Do you have qualities of being a beta male? Being a beta male is not a negative thing. It simply means that you have certain characteristics and behaviors that may help you to submit to a woman.

I bet you may have wondered if you are a beta male. Haven’t you? Do you find yourself struggling in certain aspects of your life? Are you unsatisfied with your role in relationships?  Do you sometimes just want a woman to be in charge of you?  If so, it may be time to evaluate your behaviors and see if any of the following traits apply to you.

Shy or Introverted Personality

Beta males love Ms. Delia 800-601-6975One of the key traits of a beta male is they tend to be shy, introverted, and keep more to themselves. They tend to be reflective, self-aware, and comfortable being alone. Many introverts tend to have rich imaginations and fantasy lives. Fantasies are often kept to themselves. This can all add up to a lack of assertiveness, making it difficult for beta males to stand up for themselves and their needs, and be more willing to defer to a Dominant woman, like me.

Passive Behavior for Beta Males

Another characteristic of a beta male is passive behavior. This is maybe the number one reason why betas can’t fuck me…ever! Beta males tend to be non-confrontational and avoid conflict at all costs. They may have a difficult time expressing their opinions or standing up for themselves. For instance, a beta male may feel most comfortable with their partner making all the decisions, even if they are not happy with them. This is all part of a tendency to obey and submit.

Seeking Approval

Beta males often have a strong desire for approval and validation from others, especially women…strong and dominant women. They may constantly seek reassurance and validation from their Mistress, which makes them excellent submissives. Their need for approval makes beta males easily led and even easily manipulated by Mistress. This constant need for approval also makes beta males susceptible to manipulation and emotional abuse in relationships. They may be willing to compromise their own needs and happiness for the sake of pleasing their partner and gaining their approval.

Difficulty Standing Up for Themselves

Being a beta male is not a negative thing. Ms. Delia 800-601-6975Some beta males struggle with being assertive and standing up for themselves. This can be a major issue in their work/life balance. Some people may try to take advantage of their lack of assertiveness or willingness to compromise. Beta males may also have a difficult time setting boundaries and saying no, which can lead to feelings of being taken advantage of or disrespected. This is where a Mistress, like Ms. Delia, can help a beta male learn to embrace this quality and work with it for more balance. 

Beta Males Can Avoid Responsibility

A beta male may have a tendency to avoid taking responsibility for their actions from time to time. They may blame their partner or external circumstances for any issues, instead of taking a look at his own behavior and how it may be contributing to the problems.  This lack of responsibility is something a Mistress can address and help with assigning tasks and consequences so lessons are learned. 

Do you Have any of These Qualities?

So, I ask you again, are you a beta male? Do any of these traits resonate with you? In that case, keep in mind that Mistress Delia has the ability to assist you in bettering yourself, comprehending, and expressing your emotions. I will help you make changes for the better and enjoy your sexy submissive tendencies. 

Remember, being a beta male is not a negative thing. A PennState article even describes beta males as the perfect man.  Betas have a set of behaviors and characteristics that make a man deliciously submissive. By making sure you Beg for Mistress Delia to help you understand your submissive skills, and become a better version of yourself! 

Beg for Mistress Delia and stay sexy, sluts!